(201) 569-6179
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…And You Should Also Know

LCG accepts assignments only from businesses, law firms, institutional and government clients…and reports its findings only to their management.

Although our client list is understandably confidential, LCG will, on request, furnish names of client references with their express permission.

While successful investigations are LCG’s trademark, we cannot guarantee the results of a specific investigation, inquiry or project.

Like other professional services, LCG charges an hourly rate based on the type of work performed at the request of clients. Expenses incurred on their behalf are billed separately. A retainer fee is requested of all new clients.

LCG conducts many of its investigations and inquiries through outside counsel retained by its clients. This practice helps to preserve confidentiality and avoid duplication. LCG’s attorneys do not practice law or provide legal advice.

The firm, or its individual members, are fully licensed and bonded for the type and scope of work undertaken.

Privacy and confidentiality are the cornerstone of our practice. No information is divulged except to a client’s designated contact or by court order.

Each matter handled by LCG is under the direct supervision of an experienced partner with outside and staff services used where possible to control costs.